Veterinary medicine question bank-1

Veterinary medicine question bank-1

Hello vets , these are some important basic questions regarding veterinary medicine , hope you enjoy it.
Refresh your memory....👍

veterinary medicine

1. Why disease occurs tells us about?
A. Etiology
B. Sign
C. Symptom
D. Lesion 

2. The branch of pathology that deals with the examination of blood, faeces, urine and 
other body fluids is known as?
A. Experimental pathology
B. Clinical diagnosis
C. Clinical pathology
D. Chemical pathology

3. Examination of dead animal is known as?

A. Autopsy B. Necropsy
C. Biopsy D. Lethopsy

4. An unusual body reaction to some substance in a particular individual is known as?
A. Sensitivity
B. Toxicity
C. Idiosyncrasy
D. Susceptibility 

5. The future outcome or forecast about a disease is called as?(*ICAR*)
A. Prognosis
B. Sequelae
C. Diagnosis
D. Pathogenesis

Veterinary medicine question bank-1
Veterinary medicine question bank-1

6. Smacking noise during swallowing and movement of jaws may be an abnormal 
behaviour in cattle in ?
A. Black quarter
B. Foot and mouth disease
C. Ketosis
D. Fascioliosis

7. Animal becomes unconscious and fails to respond to painful stimulus in a condition 
A. Hypomagnesemia
B. Comma
C. Mania
D. Tetany

8. Examination of superficial lymph nodes by fingers or hands is an example of?
A. Auscultation
B. Indirect palpation
C. Direct palpation
D. Percussion

9. Circling movements in buffaloes can be seen in?(ICAR*)

A. Rinderpest
B. Leptospirosis
C. Theileriosis
D. Trypanosomiasis

10. Heart sounds can be heard in animals by?
A. Percussion
B. Palpation
C. Auscultation
D. Perforation

11. Temporary muzzle can be used for controlling?
A. Cow
B. Horse
C. Sheep
D. Dog

12. Restraining by twitching is preferred in?
A. Dog
B. Buffalo
C. Horse
D. Cat

13. The tranquilizer used to make the animal calm and quiet is?

A. Penicillin
B. Ascabiol
C. Promazine
D. Calcitonin

14. Restraining by Tail raising method is advisable in?
A. Furious animals
B. Vicious animals
C. Docile animals
D. Small animals

15. Kicking by the animal especially cow during milking can be prevented by?
A. Tying the forelegs
B. Tail raising method
C. Halters
D. Milker’s restraint

16. The balanced homeostasis is responsible for?(ICAR*)
A. Pyrexia
B. Fever
C. Hypothermia
D. Stability of body temperature

17. Normal body temperature of cattle is?

A. 106.8-108°F B. 103-105°F
C. 101.8-102.4°F D. 102.8-104.2°F

18. The demand for increased heat loss of body is met by?
A. Vasodialation of skin and increased
production of sweat
B. Vasoconstriction of skin and increased
production of sweat
C. Excessive oxidation of nutrients in
muscles and liver
D. Hyperglycemia in body

19. Hyperthermia is generally associated with?
A. Hyperglycemia
B. Hypoglycemia
C. Hypercholesteremia
D. Hyperproteinemia

20. The body temperature of animals is generally measured in?
A. °C
B. °F
C. °K
D. °C and °K

21. In horses the pulse is taken generally from which artery?
A. Facial artery
B. External maxillary artery
C. Femoral artery
D. Both A and B

22. Trembling pulse is observed in?(ICAR*)
A. Distended artery
B. Distended vein
C. Constricted artery
D. Constricted vein

23. In dog, the normal pulse rate is?
A. 90-100
B. 40-50
C. 120-160
D. 20-40

24. Increased heart beat is called?
A. Bradycardia
B. Tachycardia
C. Pulsation
D. Varicose vein

25. In case of horse, the quality of pulse is?(*ICAR)
A. Large and strong
B. Small and mild
C. Small and strong
D. Large and mild

  • Please Do Comment if you find any error in the answers✅❌


1. A. Etiology

2. c. Clinical pathology

3. B. Necropsy

4. C. Idiosyncrasy

5. A. Prognosis

6.B. Foot and mouth disease

7. B. Comma

8. C. Direct palpation

9. D. Trypanosomiasis

10. C. Auscultation

11. D. Dog

12. C. Horse

13. C. Promazine

14. C. Docile animals

15. D. Milker’s restraint

16. D. Stability of body temperature

17. C. 101.8-102.4°F

18.A . Vasodialation of skin and increased production of sweat

19. B. Hypoglycemia

20. B. °F

21. D. Both A and B

22. A. Distended artery

23. A. 90-100

24.B. Tachycardia

25.A. Large and strong

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