Veterinary medicine question bank-4


Veterinary medicine question bank-4

Hello vets , these are some important basic questions regarding veterinary medicine , hope you enjoy it.
Refresh your memory....👍

veterinary medicine

1. Arteriosclerosis is seen in?
A. Aorta
B. Arteries
C. Vein
D. Large sized blood vessel

2. Patent formen ovale is present in?
A. Left ventricle
B. Right ventricle
C. Left auricle
D. Between left and right auricle

3. Heart failure cells in lungs as a results of cardiac failure are?
A. Hemosiderin containing macrophages
B. Hemosiderin containing neutrophils
C. Hemosiderin containing eosinophils
D. Hemosiderin containing monocytes

4. Mitral murmurs in horse and dogs are loudest on left side at?
A. Ist intercostal space
B. 3rd intercostal space
C. 5th intercostal space
D. 8th intercostal space

5. Systolic murmurs occur during stenosis of?(ICAR*)
A. Aortic valve
B. Pulmonary valve
C. AV valve
D. Aortic and pulmonary valve

Veterinary medicine question bank-4
Veterinary medicine question bank-4

6. The bulbourethral glands are also known as?
A. Seminal vesicles
B. Prostate gland
C. Cowper’s gland
D. Retropharyngeal glands

7. Increased sexual desire in a cryptorchid stallion is known as?
A. Libido
B. Sexual urge
C. Oestrus
D. Satyriasis

8. The main cause of follicular cysts is?
A. Increased secretion of FSH and LH
B. Increased secretion of FSH and decreased LH
C. Decreased secretion of FSH and LH
D. Decreased secretion of FSH and increased LH

9. Summer mastitis in cattle is caused by?(ICAR*)
A. Staphylococcus aureus
B. Staphylococcus galactiae
C. Actinomyces pyogenes
D. E. coli

10. Endometritis is the inflammation of?
A. Uterus
B. Endometrium
C. Myometrium
D. Perimetrium

  • Please Do Comment if you find any error in the answers✅❌

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1. B. Arteries
2. D. Between left and right auricle
3. A. Hemosiderin containing macrophages
4. C. 5th intercostal space
5. C. AV valve
6.C. Cowper’s gland
7. D. Satyriasis
8.B. Increased secretion of FSH and decreased LH
9. C. Actinomyces pyogenes
10. B. Endometrium
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