Animal Genetics and Breeding question bank-6

Animal Genetics and Breeding question bank-6

Hello vets , these are some important basic questions regarding Animal Genetics and Breeding , hope you enjoy it.

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Animal Genetics And Breeding

Animal Genetics and Breeding question bank-6
Animal Genetics and Breeding question bank-6

1. Quantitative traits are controlled by?
a) major genes
b) minor genes
c) poly genes
d ) both b and c

2. Breeding value(BV) is?
a) equal to the TA
b) twice the TA
c) 1/2 of TA
d) 1/4 of TA

3. Heritability in narrow sense is?
a) VA/VP
b) VE/VP
c) VG/VP

4. Repeatability value set in …………of heritability?
a) lower limit of h2
b) upper limit of h2
c ) intermediateof h2
d) both a and b

5. The most effective method of selection?

a) mass selection
b) pedigree selection
c) progeny testing
d) selection index

6. Quantitative traits shows?
a)continuous variation
b)discontinuous variation
c)both a and b
d)none of the above

7. Genotypic frequency of progeny depends on?
a) genotypic freq. of parent
b) genotypic freq. of population
c) gene freq. of parent
d) both a and c

8. In a population sex linked genes are carried by homogametic sex is ………..of the total sex linked genes in the population?
a) 1/2
b) 1/4
c) 1/3
d) 2/3

9. Type of gene action in general combining ability (GCA) is?

a) additive

b) non additive

c) both a and b
d) none of the above

10.Range of h2 and fitness is?
a) 0 to 1
b) -1 to +1
c) 0 to infinity
d) 0 to xn

11. The proportion of population which shows genetic death is?
a) genetic sterility
b) genetic linkage
c) genetic load
d) genetic drift

12. For inbreeding, mated individuals should have common ancestors with in?
a) 2-3 generations
b) 4-6 generations
c) 6-7 generations
d) more than 10 generations

13. Inbreeding coefficients of progenies produced by self mating, parent offspring mating, full sibs and half sibs are in the order?
a) 1,0.5,0.25,0.125
b) 0.5,0.5,0.25,0.125
c) 1,0.5,0.5,0.25
d) 0.5,0.25,0.25,0.125

14. Hissardale is the cross of?
a) Merino ewe x Bikaneri ram
b) Lincoln ram x Rambouillet ewe
c) Merino ram x Bikaneri ewe
d) Lincoln ewe x Rambouillet ram

15. In the second generation, hybrid vigor will be?
a) same as the first
b) doubled the first
c) half of the first
d)none of the above

16. Crossing of two inbred lines of the same breed is?
a) Incrossing
b) Incross breeding
c) top incrossing
d) top incross breeding

17. The intensity of selection depends with number traits considered ‘n’ is?
a) 1/n
b) 1/n2
c) n
d) 1/√n

18. Non additive gene action include,?
a) epistasis
b) dominance
c) interaction
d) all of the above

19. Mildest form of out breeding is?
a) Cross breeding
b) close breeding
c) out crossing
d) rotational crossing

20. The dispersive process mainly occurs in small population in which,?
a) only direction can be predicted not amount
b) only amount can be predicted not direction
c) both amount and direction can be predicted
d) direction and amount cannot be predicted

21. The contribution of offspring to the next generation is called?
a) fitness
b) adaptive value
c) selective value
d) all of the above

22. Genotypic correlation is due to?
a) polymorphism
b) linkage
c) pleiotropism
d) both b and c

23. Carcass quality and quantity is an example of?
a) non additive gene interaction
b) additive gene interaction
c) both a &b
d)none of the above

24. In MN blood group system, genotypes are MM = 153, MN = 260, NN = 87, then the gene frequencies of M and N alleles are?
a) 0.64, 0.36
b) 0.5, 0.5
c) 0.566, 0.434
d) 0.518, 0.482

25. A new breed can be evolved by?
a) out crossing
b) cross breeding
c) grading up
d) none of the above

26. If the coefficient of selection is 0.25, then the fitness is?
a) 1
b ) 0.25
c) 0.75

27. Father of modern animal breeding?
a) Robert Bakewell
b) S.Wright
c)J.L. Lush

28. Reproductive traits in animals usually follow …………… type h2?
a) High
b) medium
c) low
d) none of the above

29. The goat breed, toggenberg originated from?
a) Spain
b) Denmark
c) Switzerland
d) France

30. Grading up produces pure breed in how many generations?
a) 2-4
b) 4-5
c) 10-12
d) 7-8

Answers B:
1.d 2.b 3.a 4.b 5.c 6.a 7.c 8.d 9.a 10.a 11.c 12.b 13.d 14.c 15.c 16.a 17.d 18.d 19.c 20.b 21.d 22.d 23.b 24.c 25.b 26.c 27.c 28.c 29.c 30.d

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