icar pg veterinary science question bank-2-Veterinary Science


icar pg veterinary science question bank-2-Veterinary Science

icar jrf question bank

icar pg veterinary science question bank-2-Veterinary Science

icar pg veterinary science question bank-2-Veterinary Science


1. Pseudo glanders is caused by——————-
2. Gestation period of lion/tiger is ——————-
3. Eye worm of poultry is ——————-
4. Bubo is the abscess of ——————-
5. The etiology of Crazy chick disease is ——————-
6. A pet animal which is an induced ovulator is ——————-
7. The amino acid that is essential for the synthesis of haemoglobin.
8. One gram of haemoglobin carry ——————- ml of Oxygen.
9. One gram of haemoglobin on degradation will produce———mg of bilirubin.
10.Micro organisms that survive pasteurisation temperature are——————-


1. Histoplasma farciminosum
2. 100-105 days
3. Oxyspirura mansoni
4. Lymph node
5. Hypovitaminosis- E
6. Cat
7. Glycine
8. 1.34 ml
9. 35 mg
10.Listeria and Coxiella


1. Summer mastitis is caused by ——————-
2. Both intranuclear and intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies are present in the infections caused by ———-
3. Normal intraocular pressure is ——————-
4. Enzyme responsible for the production of Ketone bodies is ——————-
5. Plasma protein precipitated last in salting out is ——————-
6. The ratio of Calcium and Magnesium in blood is ——————-
7. Quellung reaction is shown by ——————-
8. Drug of choice for Theileriosis is ——————-
9. Kanagawa reaction is shown by ——————-
10.The cerebrospinal fluid pressure is ——————-


1. Corynebacterium pyogenes
2. Moribili virus (paramyxovirinae)
3. 20 mm of Hg
4. HMGCOA lyase
5. Albumin
6. 6:1
7. Streptococcus pneumoniae
8. Buparvaquone (BUTALEX)
9. Vibrio parahaemolyticum
10. 8-12 mm of Hg


1. Antidote of choice in copper poisoning is ——————-
2. Adrenaline at the rate of 1:1000 is used for the treatment of ——————-
3. Drug of choice in heart block is ——————-
4. Total no: of carbon atom in hemoglobin molecule is ——————-
5. Neostygmine is the drug of choice in ——————-
6. Homatropine is a synthetic derivative containing tropine and ——————-
7. Etiological agent of “Strawberry Footrot” is ——————-
8. The dose of Yohimbine and 4-AP in Xylazine reversal is ——————-
9. Antibiotic that has the ability to bind with calcium is ——————-
10. Xanthine Oxidase inhibitor that is used to treat Gout is ——————-


1. d-penicillamine
2. Shock
3. Isoproterenol
4. 64
5. Myasthenia gravis
6. Mandelic acid
7. Dermatophilus congolensis
8. 0.05-.25mg/Kg
9. Tetracyclins
10. Allopurinol


1. Neuromuscular blocker which is kept on ice to prevent hydrolysis is ——————-
2. Refractive power of eye lens is ——————-
3. ——————-connects the lateral and third ventricles in brain
4. The breed of dog sensitive to thiopentone is ——————-
5. Local anesthetic with antifungal and antibiotic action is ——————-
6. Drug of choice for tape worms in poultry is ——————-
7. Commonly used anesthetic that by-passes stage II of anesthesia.
8. Antibody with shortest half life is ——————-
9. The cells lining the ventricles of brain ——————-
10. Bierbeck granules are present in ——————-


1. Succinyl choline
2. 59 D
3. Foramen of Monroe
4. Grey hound
5. Dorsacaine
6. Di butyl tin di laurate
7. Barbiturates
8. IgE
9. Ependymal cells
10. Dendritic cells


1. ——————-% of oxygen consumed is used by brain
2. Most potent local anesthetic is ——————-
3. Fibrosis of yoke gall in cattle is also known as ——————-
4. ——————-is the condition seen in horses due to pressure of collar on neck
5. Malignant hyperthermia in swine is caused by——————-anesthesia
6. Cart wheel chromatin and Russel bodies are seen in ——————-
7. The ratio of systolic, diastolic and pulse pressure is ——————-
8. Mineral toxicity that leads to fracture of pes is ——————-
9. The immunoglobulin with longest hinge region is ——————-
10. The antagonist for Etorphine.


1. Eight
2. Bupivacaine
3. Tumor neck
4. Sit fast
5. Halothane
6. Plasma cells
7. 3:2:1
8. Fluorosis
9. IgD
10. Naltrexone


1. Remnant of yolk sac in birds is called ——————-
2. ——————- litre of gas is produced per minute in ruminants
3. Central lacteal is absent in the villi of ——————-
4. Nostrils are most dilatable in ——————- and rigid in ——————-
5. When cattle lie down the rate of respiration ——————-
6. Inner surface area of lungs is ——————- times the surface area of body
7. During panting, the tidal volume is ——————-
8. Gas exchange in birds takes place in ——————-
9. Diving ducks have respiratory centre sensitive to ——————-
10. Di palmityl lecithin is a ——————-


1. Meckel’s diverticulum
2. 0.5 – 1.0
3. Birds
4. Horses, Pigs
5. Increased
6. 125
7. Constant
8. Lungs
9. Posture
10. Respiratory Surfactant


1. Homogenizer valve is made up of ——————-
2. At vacuum, milk boils at a temperature of ——————-
3. Normal acidity of milk is ——————-
4. Predominant bacteria of milk is ——————-
5. Lactic acid bacteria are ——————- in nature
6. Flavour producing compounds found in curd are ——————-,——————-and ——————-
7. Sweet curdling is due to ——————-like enzymes
8. Bitty cream is produced by the enzyme ——————-
9. Milk fat contains generally ——————- type of fatty acids
10. Fe content of Khoa is ——————-


1. Stellite
2. 50-55oC
3. 0.14 %
4. Micrococci
5. Aerotolerent anaerobes
6. Diacetyl, Acetyl methyl carbinol, Acetalimide
7. Rennin
8. Lecithinase
9. Saturated, Short chain
10. 100 ppm


1. Balance wheel of dairy industry is ——————-
2. Butter contains ——————-% of fat
3. Bacteria used for ripening of cream
4. Clarified butter fat is the synonym for ——————-
5. Cheese made from whey
6. ——————- is a low fat cheese
7. Sodium alginate is obtained from ——————-
8. Commonly used packaging material for milk is ——————-
9. ——————-% of milk produced in the world is used for cheese making
10. Cheese made from buffalo milk


1. Butter
2. 80
3. Streptococcus lactis and S. diacetylactis
4. Ghee
5. Ricotta cheese
6. Sapsago
7. Macrocystis pyrifera
8. LDPE food grade
9. 30
10. Mozarella


1. Comb, wattle and earlobes of poultry are developed from …………………..
2. The sternum of poultry is ………………….. shaped
3. Chicken kidney has ………………….. lobes
4. Brooding instinct is governed by …………………..
5. Gallus varius is also called …………………..
6. The network of nerves in submucosa of intestine
7. Brush border of intestinal mucosa is constituted by …………………..
8. Capacity of rumen in cattle
9. Ileo-caecal, Ileo-colic and Ileo-caeco-colic junction are seen in ………………….., ………………….. and ………………….. respectively
10. Ascending colon is replaced by large colon in …………………..


1. Dermis
2. Boat
3. Three
4. Prolactin
5. Green jungle fowl
6. Meissner’s plexus
7. Microvilli
8. 250 litres
9. Horse, Dog and Cattle
10. Horse


1. Among birds, ………………….. drinks by suction
2. Starch on hydrolysis yield …………………..
3. Cholecystokinin ………………….. gastric emptying
4. Increased functional activity of colon leads to …………………..
5. Cattle secrete …………………..litre of saliva per day
6. Among domestic animals, amylase is highest in the saliva of …………………..
7. Saliva constitute …………………..% of water entering rumen
8. Rennin converts casein to …………………..
9. Opening of bile duct to duodenum is guarded by …………………..
10. In horse …………………..% of energy comes from VFA


1. Pigeon
2. Maltose
3. Delays
4. Constipation
5. 100-200
6. Swine
7. 80
8. Para casein
9. Sphincter of Oddi
10. 75

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