Veterinary medicine question bank-6


Veterinary medicine question bank-6

Hello vets , these are some important basic questions regarding veterinary medicine , hope you enjoy it.
Refresh your memory....👍

veterinary medicine

1. In diabetes mellitus, the urine becomes?
A. Pale coloured B. Red coloured
C. Green coloured D. Coffee coloured

2. In icterus, the colour of urine is?
A. Red B. Blue
C. Yellow brown D. Coffee

3. Increased foaming in urine is indicative of?(ICAR*)

A. Hemoglobinuria B. Anuria
C. Ketonuria D. Proteinuria

4. Colour of highly positive urine for sugar by using Benedict’s reagent is?
A. Blue
B. Green
C. Light yellow
D. Orange

5. Neutrophilia is a feature of?
A. Acute inflammation
B. Subacute inflammation
C. Chronic inflammation
D. Granulomatous inflammation

Veterinary medicine question bank-6
Veterinary medicine question bank-6

6. The specific gravity of normal cow milk is?(ICAR*)

A. 1.015-1.037
B. 1.35-1.65
C. 2.35-2.65
D. 0.5-1.5

7. In bromothymol blue test for mastitis, the alkaline milk sample will become?
A. Green to blue
B. Blue to green
C. Red to yellow
D. Yellow to red

8. In chloride test for milk, if the sample contains more than 0.14% chloride content then 
colour of milk becomes?(ICAR*)

A. Red
B. Green
C. Blue
D. Yellow

9. In the direct microscopic examination of milk for bacteria, the milk is of good quality 
if the bacterial count is?
A. 40 to 50 lakhs
B. Less than 5 lakhs
C. 20 to 30 lakhs
D. 10-20 lakhs

10. ‘Summer mastitis’ in cattle is caused by?(ICAR*)
A. Streptococcus agalactiae
B. Staphy. aureus
C. Coryne bact. pyogenes
D. Staphy. albus

11. The elevation of CSF pressure is related with plasma?
A. Vitamin A B. Vitamin C
C. Vitamin K D. Vitamin D

12. Specific gravity of CSF is between?
A. 2.5-3.0
B. 1.5-2.0
C. 1.003-1.008
D. 0.5-1.005

13. The early coagulation of CSF may occur due to increase?
A. Protein content
B. Prothrombin content
C. Chloride and fibrinogen content
D. Protein and fibrinogen content

14. In Ross-Jones test, the solution used for precipitation of proteins is?

A. Sodium hydroxide
B. Saturated copper sulphate
C. Saturated ammonium sulphate
D. Saturated ferrous sulphate

15. Favourable sign of prognosis by cytological examination of CSF is?
A. Increased neutrophil count
B. Increased lymphocyte count
C. Decreased lymphocyte count
D. Increased erythrocyte count

  • Please Do Comment if you find any error in the answers✅❌

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1. A. Pale coloured
2. C. Yellow brown
3.  D. Proteinuria
4. D. Orange
5. A. Acute inflammation
6. A. 1.015-1.037
7. B. Blue to green
8. D. Yellow
9. B. Less than 5 lakhs
10.C. Coryne bact. pyogenes
11.A. Vitamin A
12.C. 1.003-1.008
13.D. Protein and fibrinogen content
14. C. Saturated ammonium sulphate
15. B. Increased lymphocyte coun

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