Homeopathic Prescribing-Pocket Companion- Steven B Kynae /Lee R Kayne /Download Pdf

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Homeopathic Prescribing-Pocket Companion- Steven B Kynae /Lee R Kayne /Download Pdf
Homeopathic Prescribing-Pocket Companion- Steven B Kynae /Lee R Kayne /Download Pdf 

Homeopathic Prescribing-Pocket Companion- Steven B Kynae /Lee R Kayne

This is a concise pocket book of clinical applications providing pharmacists with instant information for patients/customers.This concise pocket book offers all the basic information that a pharmacist will ever need regarding homeopathic remedies. Part one provides a general introduction on homoeopathy and the related disciplines of anthroposophy, Biochemic Salt and flower therapy. Part two includes decision tree prescribing flowcharts supported by supplementary information to assist in choosing the appropriate homeopathic medicine to treat a range of conditions. For the busy pharmacist who wants a useful hands-on pocket guide to homeopathy - this is the perfect book.

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