Veterinary medicine question bank-8


Veterinary medicine question bank-8

Hello vets , these are some important basic questions regarding veterinary medicine , hope you enjoy it.
these are some important fill-up questions of veterinary medicine ( ICAR-JRF , DVM exam etc.)
Refresh your memory....👍

veterinary medicine

1. Respiratory process occurs through the intercostal muscles and _Diaphragm.

2. Increased respiratory rate is known as Eupnea_.

3. Respiration with a shallow and rapid breath along with alternate period of apnea is known 
as Biot’s_ respiration.

4. An explosive expiration is called as _Sneezing_.

5. A long inspiration followed by prolonged expiration through partially closed glottis is 
known as Grunting__.

6. Dermis consists of layer of elastic and collagen fibres beneath the stratum Germinativum

7. The term Ichthyosis__ is used for the scaly skin like fish.

8. Typical itching sensation characterized by scratching, biting and rubbing the skin against 
any hard object is called Pruritus _.

9. Increased secretion of sweat gland is known as Hyperhidrosis__.

10. _Acanthosis is the thickening of skin due to hyperplasia of the cells of malpighian layer.

11. Thickening of all the layers of skin is called Pachyderma __.

12. A small vesicle containing pus is called Pustule _.

13. A break in the continuity of skin thus exposing dermis is called Ulcer__.

14. Sarcoptia mange is caused by _Sarcoptic scabei_.

15. Demodectic mange in cattle is caused by Demodex bovis_

16. Absence of anterior limb is known as Abrachia _.

17. Swelling and painful condition of hock joint in horses is called_ Capped 

Veterinary medicine question bank-8
Veterinary medicine question bank-8

18. Hump back condition in animals is known as____Kyphosis_______.

19. Black Quarter in cattle is caused by___Clostridium chauvoei________.

20. The condition of bones becoming porous and brittle is known as Osteoporosis_.

21. Osteoblast cells form the matrix of the bone called Osteoid_.

22. Multinucleated phagocytic cells in bones are called Osteoclasts_.

23. The immobility and consolidation of a joint due to any disease or injury is known as _

24. In _ Osteopetrosis shaft of long bones become thick and hard resembling marble and the 
condition is known as “marble bone disease” in poultry.

25. . The inflammation of the bursa between ligamentum nuchae, atlas and axis is known as 
Poll evil__.

26. Anorexia__ Partial reduction in appetite and reduced hunger is known as anorexia.

27. Polydipsia_ Vomiting is a pathological condition in all animals except dogs and cats in 
which it may occur as a normal practice.

28. _ Coprophagia Inflammation of tongue is called glossitis.

29. _ Vomition Vesicular stomatitis occurs in foot and mouth disease in cattle.

30. _ Gag_ Erosive stomatitis is a feature of rinderpest in cattle.

31. _ Sial-adenitis Hardening of tongue has been observed is Actinomyces bovis infection.

32. _ Actinobacillus lignièresi_ Inflammation of crop in birds is known as proctitis.

33. _ Umbilicus The colour of ruminal fluid becomes milky grey in ruminal acidosis.

34. __Post hepatic In traumatic reticulopericarditis persistent increase in monocyte count is a 
special feature.

35. _ Toxic D-xylose malabsorption test is helpful to measure the absorptive activity of the 

36. The term _Epistaxis is used for haemorrhage from nasal cavity.

37. Inflammation of nasal cavity is called Rhinitis_.

38. Bull nose condition is caused by _ Spherophorus necrophorus.

39. The narrowing of the bronchial lumen is known as _Bronchostenosis_.

40. Increased amount of air in lungs is called Emphysema _.

41. Dictyocaulus __Viviparous causes verminous pneumonia in cattle.

42. Alveoli of lungs are lined by _Squamous_ epithelial cells.

43. Dictyocaulus __Arnifieldi is a lung worm of horse.

44. The process of collection and examination of fluid from thoracic cavity is known as 

45. Spirography is done to test the functional activity of Lung _.

  • Please Do Comment if you find any error in the answers✅❌

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