Veterinary Anatomy question bank-1

Veterinary Anatomy question bank-1

Hello vets , these are some important basic questions regarding veterinary Anatomy, hope you enjoy it.

Refresh your memory....👍

veterinary Anatomy

1. Proceeding distally from the cannon bone in the horse the phalangeal articulations are called as?

(a) Pastern, fetlock, coffin
(b) Fetlock, Pastern, coffin
(c) Pastern, coffin, fetlock
(d) Coffin, Pastern, fetlock

2. The foramen tri-osseum of the bird transmits?
(a) Tendon of the biceps femoris muscle
(b) Ischiatic artery
(c) Tendon of the deep pectoral muscle
(d) Common carotid artery

3. The longissimus dorsi muscle in ox is which of the following.?(ICAR*)

(a) Originates from cervical vertebrae
 (b) Originates from tuber coxae, cranial ilium and sacrum 
(c) Supplied by femoral artery
(d) Is a part of ligamentum nuchae 

4. Body infection is prevented by.?
(a) Omentum
(c) Mesentry
(b) Peritoneum
(d) Broad ligament

5. The union of mature sex cells is called fertilization and combined cells is termed as?

(a) Zygote
(b) Ovum
(c) Sperm
(d) Morula

6. The approximate amount of blood in an animal?(ICAR)*

(a) 8% of body weight
(b) 4% of body weight 
(c) 16% of body weight
(d) 24% of body weight

7. The Cotyledonary epitheliochorial placenta is found in?
(a) Mare
(b) Bitch
(c) Cow
(d) Monkey

Veterinary Anatomy question bank-1
Veterinary Anatomy question bank-1

8. Gamont do not produce gametes in blood of man because?
(a) They fail to get appropriate temperature
(b) They fail to get right nutrition
(c) They fail to get oxygen
(d) All of the above

9. Animal which walks on the hoof is called as?
(a) Plantigrade 
(b) Unguligrade
(c) Digitigrade
(d) None of above

10. The epithelial lining of the peritoneum is?
(a) Simple cuboidal
(b) Simple squamous
(c) Psuedostratified columnar
(d) Simple columnar

11. Cranial part of penis is twisted in which animal? 
(a) Pig
(c) Horse
(d) Dog 

12. Which structure is not related to female genital system?
(a) Tunica vaginalis
(b) Graffian follicle
(c) Tunica albugenia
(d) Mesovarium

13. The opening of infundibulum is called as?
(a) Ostium abdominals 
(b) Cervix
(c) Isthmus faucium
(d) None of these

14. Which layer in an artery contains the endothelium? 
(a) Tunica intima
(b) Tunica media
(c) Tunica externa
(d) All of the above

15. The muscle fibres stain............ in H & E stain?(ICAR*)

(a) Blue
(b) Reddish violet
(c) Pink
(d) Pinkish red

  • Please Do Comment if you find any error in the answers✅❌

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