Veterinary Pathology question bank-3
- ‘Punched out ulcers’ in abomasum- pathognomonic lesion of ?
- Negri bodies in cattle with rabies seen in ….
- Father of pathological anatomy
- Father of cellular pathology
- 5.Lysosome first demonstrated by…..
- Most reactive free radical in inducing cell damage
- Removal of damaged organelle during cell injury is called as …..
- Component of cytoskeleton useful in tumor diagnosis
- Eosinophilic, intracytoplasmic inclusion in liver in alcoholic liver disease
- Condition in which impairment of phagocytic property of WBC occurs.
- Best fixative for glycogen
- Stains for glycogen (any two)
- Macrophage laden with lipids in atherosclerosis called as….
- Russel bodies seen in ….?
- Partial or complete loss of melanocytes in the epidermis…
- Pigments causing ‘Brown Atrophy’
- Aggregates of ferritin micelles called…
- Heart failure cells are ……
- Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia is indicative of ………….jaundice.
- Direct Van den berg reaction is indicative of ……..jaundice
- Color of faeces in obstructive jaundice
- Hyperkeratosis in cattle common in which poisoning ?
- Type of necrosis involved in hypoxic cell death in the CNS
- Necrosis in which architectural details persist but cellular details are lost.
- Enzymes important in apoptosis
- Conditions in which PM clotting of blood doesn’t occur.
- Pathological calcification without derangement in blood calcium levels.
- Special stain for demonstrating Calcium in tissues.
- ‘Tophi’ is related to which disease ?
- Condition characterized by green refrigence of Congo red stained sections under polarizing microscope.
- Name the anaphylatoxins
- Chemical mediators from arachidonic acid metabolism via cyclooxygenase pathway.
- ‘Triple response’ in tissue inflammation was formulated by …..
- Colloidal carbon technique is used in identifying …..
- Name some SRS-A( slow reacting substances of anaphylaxis)
- Cationic proteins produced by eosinophils toxic to parasites.
- Suppurative inflammation of hair follicles caused by Staph. aureus
- Diffuse spreading suppurative inflammation of connective tissues
- Modified macrophages in case of granuloma are called …
- Granulation tissue is a hallmark of ……
- Adhesive glycoproteins of Extra-cellular matrix.
- Condition in which cardiac sclerosis/ cardiac cirrhosis occurs.
- Alteration from a less specialized cell type to more specialized ones.
- A malignant tumor which doesn’t metastasize
- Oncogenes discovered by…..
- ‘Sticker tumor’ discovered by Novinsky is better known as ….
- Reed Sternberg Cells are typical of …
- Horn cancer is most commonly seen in Bull or Bullocks ?
- Black tongue/ canine pellagra is caused by……
- Rodent ulcer is better known as ……
Solution:pathology question bank with answers
3.Antonio Benevieni
4.Rudolph Virchow
6.Hydroxyl radical
8.Intermediate filaments
9.Mallory body
10.Chediak Higashi syndrome
11.Non-aqueous fixatives(methyl alcohol)
12.Best carmine & PAS
13.Foam cell
14.Plasma cells
18.Alveolar macrophage laden with Hemosiderin
19.Prehepatic jaundice
20. Obstructive jaundice
21. Grey / Clay color
22. Chlorinated naphthalene poisoning
23.Liquefactive necrosis
24. Coagulative necrosis.
26.Anthrax & Sweet clover poisoning
27.Dystrophic calcification
28. Van Kossa’s Silver nitrate
29.Articular gout
31.C3a and C5a
32.Thromboxane A2 and Prostaglandins
33. Sir Thomas Lewis
34. Leaking vessels in inflammation
35.Leukotrienes like LTC4, LTD4, LTE4
36.Major Basic Proteins
39.Epitheloid cells
41.Fibronectin & Laminins
42. Chronic general passive hyperemia
44. Basal Cell Carcinoma
45.Michael Bishop& Harold Varmus
46.Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumor.
47.Hodgkin’s disease
49.Niacin deficiency
50. Basal cell carcinoma
pathology question bank with answers
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