Veterinary Physiology question bank-2
Hello vets , these are some important basic questions regarding Veterinary Physiology , hope you enjoy it.
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Veterinary Physiology
1. Heparin is mainly collected from .-----------?
2. ------------anticoagulant should never be used for blood transfusion.?
3. ------------can be used in feed to increase the TSH concentrations in body.?
4. ---------------is the calcium lowering hormone in body.?
5. --------------was the first hormone to be discovered by Bayliss and Starling.?
6. -------------have given the structural details of Insulin.?
7. Insulin consists of 2 chains with------ and ------amino acids connected by------------bond?
8. ------------------hormone is associated with the function of metamorphosis.?
9. Ultimobrachial glands are seen in------------ , ------------and----------
10. ------------------Species have nucleated platelets.?
11.Band cells are--------------?
12.Heterophils are neutrophils of--------------- species and they are
called as ---------------in rabbits.?
13.The estrus cycle in equines is of ------------------duration.
14._______________, ____________________ and _______________ are induced ovulators.
15.The only glucogenic VFA in ruminants is ------------------.?
16.Ear ossicle present in birds is .------------?
17. Swallowing centre is present in .----------?
18. --------------% of carbondioxide is transported in the form of
bicarbonate in the blood.?
19. ----------and ------------are known as buffer nerves.?
20. Sigmoid flexure is present in the penis of---------- ,---------
and . --------?
👉 Question Bank -1
👉 Question Bank -2
👉 Question Bank -3
👉 Question Bank -4
👉 Question Bank -5
👉 Question Bank -6
👉 Question Bank -7
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