Veterinary Anatomy question bank-2
Hello vets , these are some important basic questions regarding veterinary Anatomy, hope you enjoy it.
Refresh your memory....👍
veterinary Anatomy
1. The largest muscle of the animal body is . ----------------?
2. The largest bone of the animal body is .----------?
3. Navicular bone is another name for .--------------?
4. ------------number of cervical vertebrae occur in dogs.?
5. Cranial nerves are -----------in number.?
6. The striated type of muscles is-------- and--------- .?
7. The only unpaired air sac in birds is .-----------?
8. --------type of epithelium is characteristic for urinary
9. Peyer’s patches are aggregation of .----------?
10.Brunner’s glands are associated with which structure---------?
11.The cloaca of birds has three openings i.e.--------and .----------?
12.The site for collection of CSF in small animals is . ---------?
13.-------- is the largest foramen of animal body.?
14. Russell bodies are seen-------------- in types of cells.?
15. Heparin was originally isolated from------------- tissue from---------
16. Papillary muscles are seen in .---------?
17.Parasympathetic supply has---------- effect on heart.?
18. Of the radius-ulna structures of fowl,----------- is the largest bone?
19. --------------type of papillae are non-gustatory.?
20. Spleen is histologically made--------- of and ------. ?
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